Mountain Shadow Film Society

EducationNon-Profit Organizations, Associations, Clubs
Four screenings each month, check the website for Coming Attractions
About Us
When Cine-Arts left Pleasant Hill in June, 2013, with the demolition of the old Dome theatre, cinema lovers in the Walnut Creek hub lost the opportunity to see great foreign and independent films without trekking to Berkeley or San Francisco’s commercial theaters. In 2014, Mountain Shadow Film Society was launched as the new alternative! The enthusiastic response in our community has been tremendous. In the first four years, attendance has grown, adding an additional monthly screening each year.
Film screenings are held four times each month in the Oak View Room of the downtown Walnut Creek Library. Each show includes a first-run foreign or independent feature film that is otherwise unavailable in our locale; typically along with an award-winning short film, a brief introduction and optional follow-up discussion. Periodically, filmmakers present their work in person. An annual short film competition each September brings outstanding new filmmakers and their best works.
While the film society is member-based and includes additional benefits, a limited number of $12 general admission tickets are always available on a first-come basis.
Mountain Shadow is a California 501.c.3 non-profit education-arts organization. For more information, including membership, and all the latest news of Coming Attractions and great film reviews, visit us at:
For additional questions, just email or call John Bennison, Director:, or Direct: 925.787.6965.
- Foreign & Independent Filmmaking in Walnut Creek
- Celebrating the best of the cinematic arts