Yours Humanly

Non-Profit Organizations, Associations, ClubsChildren's Programs | ServicesEducationFundraising
About Us
Yours Humanly is a global organization dedicated to helping children in need receive the education they deserve.
Driven by the belief that education is a basic human right, we fund global efforts to provide children in need access to quality education and equitable resources.
While the programs and resources we provide vary among the countries and cultures in which we work, our focus is always on transforming the lives of children in need through education. By doing so, we are lifting children out of poverty and other challenging situations and empowering them to achieve better, brighter futures.
Our Mission
We transform the lives of children in need around the world by providing access to quality education and equitable resources.
Our Vision
A world where all children have an equal opportunity to receive a quality education.
Our Core Value
Quality education is a basic human right, and every child everywhere should be afforded that right in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our Chapters
Cambodia | Haiti | India | Nepal | Philippines | United States